CRM Software
The Lifeline of your Customer Relationship
A Customer Relationship Management device, Cloud CRM Software is a far reaching arrangement that empowers an association being developed by keeping up the information of the clients most proficiently while catching all pre deal and post deal constrain cooperations of the client. Flawless CRM Software includes an extensive usefulness that takes into account all undertaking necessities for holding client support and dependability, utilizing on the accompanying capacities for a successful client administration:
- Sales Force Automation
- Contact Center Management
- Crusade Management
- Administration Support Management
- AMC Management
- Resource Management
- Work Shop Management
- Faithfulness Program
- IT Infrastructure and data resources
- Gives an aggressive edge
Deals Force Automation Software :
- Sales Force Automation – Prospective customer following through different stages
- Target setting for advertising officials
- Enquiries from potential and existing clients
- Citations and alterations to citations with finish history
- Pre and Post Sales Force movement and accomplishment
- Booking deals calls and following costs
- Rundown of forthcoming customers as of date
- Timetable cum action
- Open/Lost Quotations
- Cost versus deals
- Citation alteration history
Contact Center Management
Chandratech Solutions in Delhi (India) gives INTACT CRM Software on cloud which enables deals to drive computerization and keeps up the client data/database and gets client objections/prerequisites for saves and so on the web. The framework is accessible for your organization in pre deals and post deals drive computerization and aides being developed of a database by doling out a one of a kind objection no. /ask for no. to the client which enables the client to track their protests. The product doles out the objections or solicitations, to the concerned architects/branches and so on for additionally activity.
Campaign Management
This arrangement gives an ability to improvement of battles for your organization for any deals and showcasing related exercises or for any updates to be given to clients. Keeps up the information of all clients who can be chosen in part or in full from the fundamental database of clients to run the crusade. The crusade can be booked occasionally according to the decision for a powerful correspondence of the particular occasion arranged. Crusades can be kept running on Email or by SMS, if a SMS incorporation with outsider is encouraged.
Administration Support Management
Flawless CRM Software arrangements of Chandratech Solutions, Delhi (India), in view of cloud framework, encourages your organization to deal with your stock of extras and consumables for viable after deals bolster which matters the most for an association like yours. The extra administration framework will screen the stock and caution about the new improvements, for example, accessibility of extras, re-arrange level and even produce purpose for buy/fabricating. This module will likewise assist the association with tracking their extra parts deals and development of extras by item shrewd, demonstrate astute and even locale insightful. This module of INTACT CRM helps the association not just in the client relationship by keeping up appropriate stock yet in addition in producing and checking the extra deals focuses through observing the business constrain robotization.
AMC Management
It has been demonstrated that the organization which does not have confidence in keeping up an appropriate database of its clients, its pre deals and post deals conduct and its separate responsibility for, hampers its own particular advancement, does substantially lesser business and has less fulfilled clients than the individuals who have legitimately executed a quality Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software. Perusing the pre deals conduct helps organizations in getting clients while a post deals conduct helps in holding them. In pre and post INTACT CRM Software arrangements, we have given a considerable measure of accentuation on AMC Management Module as we trust the achievement of any business today lies in successful administration of its items and clients.
This module, on the cloud, will track every one of the machines which are out off guarantee and create and fly up reports for AMC enlistment client insightful, item shrewd, district astute and so forth. It additionally keeps up your stock. The remarkable element of this module is count of AMC charges on professional rate premise. Along these lines, make an upbeat client yet while procuring more cash for your undertaking!!!
Resource Management
Not at all like other Customer Relationship Management programming INTACT CRM Software arrangements, on cloud, centers around clients as well as the items they utilize and the advancements in their inclinations. This module causes you track the guarantee status of every item sold to the client till the guarantee is on. This module will likewise screen the preventive support of every item in the stock according to the timetable.
Workshop Management
Flawless CRM Software Repair Management arrangements on cloud CRM System keeps up the points of interest of the extras or out of this world for Repairs and further Return (R&R) of items to the clients. The module will track every one of the elements of this division including doling out the activity to a specialist for fruition and further restoring the item back to the client from the stock.