Static Website Design & Development
Static Web Design The static website design is similar to that of a brochure. The brochure has basic text and images to show a product or detail about the service provided. Static websites are generally used as a promotional tool for businesses. For example, a static website design is often used by an entrepreneur to sell his products via the World Wide Web.
Static Website Development is also the procedure of developing a site without modifying the source code that controls its appearance and functionality. Instead, the site is developed with HTML, CSS and PHP using markdown. Once the site is developed, it is then serve on the web. Markdown is a formatting tool for making documents that are identical to the original written content appear in different fonts, colors and styles.
Static web design is not used as part of the normal process of web development. There are two main differences between static website development and dynamic website development. The static website development uses web server and markdown to create static content whereas the dynamic website development uses a web server along with programming languages and markup to create dynamic web pages.
Static websites are important for promoting and marketing products and services and to ensure easy customer access. This is because static web designs allow for better branding of the organization and better product identification. Some static web development tools and frameworks provide support for CSS, HTML and PHP for static web design.
Web Development With Codegenie, the static website design can be coded and uploaded to the web server. The uploaded static website development, according to the requirement, will then be rendered live on the targeted web server. Once the development is completed, the web page will be indexed by the search engine. The entire process is automated and the developer only needs to make sure that the website design is included in the HTML and the MYSQL pages are correctly coded. Once this is done, the website developer can rest assured that the site is live and is generating revenue for the business.
No Dynamic Content: static website development through CodeGenie ensures that static websites load quickly and without any bugs because the software will check the HTML codes before downloading any content. If there is any error in the HTML coding, the website will not load. This helps improve the loading time of the static website development. The time taken to develop the static website will be lesser than the time taken to develop the dynamic websites. Thus the overall website design and development cost will come down.
In a very short span of time, static website development has evolved from being a tool for developing simple sites to becoming the backbone of today's e-commerce websites and online presence. It ensures a good online presence and helps in gaining greater credibility, while also providing maximum benefit to the business. Through the use of this software, the online presence can become all the more user-friendly so that it attracts more users and ultimately increases the revenue. This kind of website design and development can be easily contracted by any web designing company.